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Tag: Bradbury Challenge

Past the Longest Night

I am not sure I am quite ready for the mosh pit, but the Masquerade is listing shows again. On March eighth they’ll be hosting Swallow the Sun, Infected Rain, and Tómarúm. I intend to be at the show and on the floor. Samples from the bands are interspersed throughout the post.

Sunday Sharing – 2020/10/04

I came close to finishing up a new story whose working title is “The Trap”. It is science fiction horror in the same broad setting as ”The Visions of Cireb”. I am working towards having enough stories set in the growing Portuguese space empire to select the best for a collection of 6–8 stories whose length is 40,000 to 60,000 words.

Atonement and Forgiveness

In the Lord’s Prayer Christians ask God to “forgive us our tresAnd forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us.” It is not an injunction for blanket forgiveness, but to forgive us as we forgive others. Newhouse’s forgiveness was not an unconditional thing given without thought. It was a thoughtful thing given after atonement.

Sunday Sharing 2020/08/30

Even if you don’t read the whole book, seek out “By His Bootstraps” which may be the ur snarled time travel story. The first part of “The Year of the Jackpot”, like the parts of Heinlein’s Future History that describe the Crazy Years, hits too close to home. It did before 2020, but now it is a harder hit. “The Menace from Earth” inspired part of the background to J. Daniel Sawyer’s Hadrian’s Flight.