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Category: Uncategorized

Fourth of July

On July 4th, 1976, I was nine. The whole year had been consumed by the Bicentennial Celebration. There was the Freedom Train touring the country, though it did not pass close to me. I first saw 1776 on television that year. I would not see it again until a few years ago when I purchased it on BluRay.

The Need for Triumph

I don’t have one. I’m writing this in the older meaning of essay as a verb: “to make an attempt at; try.” I try to find a proposal here, but I find myself still trapped in Einstein’s warning. I cannot get beyond political ideas about moving money around.

Sunday Reading

The odd thing about celebrating the 75th anniversary of D-Day by doing what you did on D-Day, parachuting into Normandy, is it is easier at 97 than 22. You get to do it in day light and without people trying to kill you.

Not the Only Answer

Even with that in mind, though, I see no reason to reject the 10,000 step rule. Unlike the bad advice on carbs which lead to unstable blood sugars and encourage over eating, the 10,000 step rule doesn’t harm you. It gives you a target that can be achieved with not too much effort even if you have a desk job. Taking a walk at lunch to the Fed and back gets me over half the steps I need. It also resets me for the second half of the work day and gets me a small amount of sun. A little vitamin D creation never hurt anyone after all.